Wrapping up React Project 2 at NSS | Tue Oct 12, 2021
Posts education-related included formal and informal learning; learning resources,Web Design, Web Development, coding, website build resources, etc
Today, we wrap up our second React project. It’s bittersweet because it was just getting funner — funner is technically correct but sounds weird. This second project was a group project that was more fun than the previous team effort.
Maybe it was because of how cool React JavaScript is. Unfortunately, I won’t get to do as much front-end work as I wanted with this one and Material Design UI. Sure, I can come back to it later on, clone it, and have fun with it. That’s just not realistic if we’re being honest here.
I’m going to move on to creating a React Journal that I’ll ultimately use to replace michaelpwright.com. This is new news, by the way. It will take some time to cutover completely and let go of WordPress. I’m open to the idea of running WordPress headless too for my personal website, but at the moment, that setup seems way too dependent on third party systems to make work.
I can’t imagine I’ll need more than a database and web server to run a React site. I haven’t done the research. I just know front-end rendering is waaay more simple with JavaScript instead of PHP.