Radio frequency thermocoagulation and raccoons would make better pets than dogs | Thu Jul 29, 2021
Originally, I was scheduled for a 10 August 2021 appointment for my next session Radio frequency thermocoagulation (RFTC). By asking, I was able to get my appointment moved to today. Also, I’ve been thinking that a raccoon or hawk would make a much cooler pet than a dog.
Normally I need the procedure about every six months, but due to its popularity, my stretch between appointments went from December 2020 to July 2021. It happens. But also, my back hurts like hell, and I’m at a point again where I can’t stay asleep without taking a hydrocodone before bed.
I’m genuinely grateful that I was able to get an earlier appointment because August 10 is my second day of class at the Nashville Software School(NSS). I don’t remember if I mentioned that, but through the VA’s Veterans Readiness & Employment program, I will be attending NSS for six months you UI/UX program. Yes, yes I am geeked about it. I would even go so far as to say I am over-geeked about it.
Pets but not really
I think I was talking about pets. Right so, I’d love to have a hawk or a raccoon as a pet with the caveat that I will not keep them in any kind of enclosure. I will name them. I will offer them food and a little conversation. I have no intention of restricting their living their lives the way they would instinctively.
So, a pet but not really a pet. More like homey.